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Title | Travel and Mountaineering I |
Course code | Tms. 305 |
Nature of course | Theory + Lab |
Full marks | 75 + 25 |
Pass marks | 27 + 13 |
Credit Hrs | 5 hrs |
Elective/Compulsory | Elective |
Secondary Education Curriculum
Travel and Mountaineering
Working hrs: 160
1. Introduction
Understanding, conservation, utilization and management of natural resources, theoretical study of tourism and mountaineering and with the objective of imparting basic knowledge and skills about the practical aspects of class 11 and 12 tourism and A course on mountaineering studies has been developed. According to the guidelines of the National Curriculum Framework, 2076 In this course on tourism and mountaineering studies at the secondary level of school education (classes 11 and 12). Basic topics related to tourism and mountaineering are included. Tourism after studying this course Familiarity with the various components of the industry, their interrelationships, activities and impacts It is expected to motivate to make use of it. In addition to this course higher in related subjects It is also expected to prepare the basis of education.
This course on tourism and mountaineering studies tourism, mountaineering and its social, Impact on economic and cultural life, basic concepts of tourism, various components of tourism, trekking, Themes like sailing are included. Similarly, it includes the motivation of tourist travel, the emergence of tourism and
development, tourism market management, tourism organizations, development of tourism in Nepal, concept of adventure tourism, Concept of mountaineering tourism and its various aspects, topics like situation of mountaineering tourism in Nepal is included. To study the theoretical and practical aspect of the subject mentioned in this course Emphasis is placed on student-centered learning facilitation methods and processes. Based on this theme Experiential learning, field study visits, exploratory continuous learning, learning and assessment methods It is expected to be easy to make experimental and exploratory. This course focuses on skills rather than knowledge It has tried to make the study of the subject practical and experimental by emphasizing on attitude. Tourism and It also takes into account the new concepts and changing techniques and methods that have come into the field of mountaineering studies The curriculum has been prepared. Therefore, it is mentioned while developing the curriculum of tourism and mountaineering studies A balance is maintained between content concept development, practice and continuous learning and assessment. This post is sponsored by our partners.
Introduction to this course, graded competence, classroom learning achievement, content area and sequence, learning facilitation Processes and student evaluations have been streamlined. In this course the thematic justification of curriculum development, in the curriculum Introduction including the main features and nature of the course, subject-wise expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, values And competence in its functional form, including work readiness, is characterized by the level of learning and competence Elaborately on the basis of learning achievement, ability, learning achievement and longitudinal balance with the previous class The method and process of facilitating learning is presented including the area and order of the content, thematic specificity and originality has been done It also mentions the method and process of formative and judgmental evaluation Evaluation is organized.
2. Level of Competency
After studying at the secondary level (classes 11 and 12), students will acquire the following competencies in sociology are:
- The basic concept of tourism, its development and analysis of various dimensions of tourism and Analysis
- Identify organizations involved in the tourism sector and discuss their roles
- Analysis of models and methods of tourism market management
- Understanding and presenting the development, expansion and impact of tourism in Nepal
- Understanding the concept of adventure tourism and identifying related aspects
- Identification of the concept of mountaineering tourism and analysis of the dimensions of mountain climbing
- Understanding of Mountaineering Tourism Activities and Identification of Management Structures in Nepal
- Preparation of necessary travel plans and travel brochures for tourists
- Operation of general tourism services at the local level
- Analysis of pricing and sales aspects of tourism goods and services
- Identification and promotion of major tourist resources of Nepal
- Professional application of knowledge related to tourism and mountaineering field of study at local level.
Scope and Sequence of Contents
Part 1 : Travel and Tourism
1. The concept of tourism (5 Working Hours )
1.1 Concept and meaning of tourism
1.2 Definition of Tourism: Technical and Conceptual definition
1.3 Nature and characteristics of tourism
1.4 Nature and types of tourism
1.5 Tourism Industry
1.6 Definition of Tourist: Travelers and Day Tourists
1.7 Classification of Tourists
2. Tourism Dimensions (8 Working Hours )
2.1 Five ‘A’ dimensions of tourism – attractiveness, accessibility, Accommodation, amenities and activities
2.2 Motivation Dimensions: Definition of Motivation and Tourism Types of Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation is a forceful and attractive force
Indifference and curiosity dimensions are escapist and escapist The exploratory dimension is independent (adventure) and Paraschit (psychocentric).
3. The emergence of tourism and Development (8 Working Hours )
3.1 Four stages of the emergence and development of tourism
3.2 Early Travel: Purpose and Transport medium
3.3 Travel in the Middle Ages: Effective elements of tourism
3.4 The industrial revolution and the birth of mass tourism
3.1 Emergence and development of modern transport and tourism
3.6 Emergence and development of modern housing industry and Tourism
3.7 Current trends in tourism in a global perspective
4. Tourism Organization (8 Working Hours )
4.1 Introduction and need for organization in tourism
4.2 Major international tourism organizations, their role And work: World Tourism Organization (॥44/10), International Civil Aviation Organization (.8/0), International Air Transport Association (1), Asia Pacific Regional Travel Agencies Association (2//)
4.3 Major National Tourism Organizations, Their Roles and Work Culture: Tourism and Civil Aviation Ministry (4108 0), Civil Aviation Authority, Nepal Tourism Board, Nepal Association Of Tour and Travel Agents, Trekking Agents Association Nepal, Hotel Association Nepal and Nepal Rating Agency Association.
5. Tourism Market Management (8 Working Hours )
5.1 Market system and tourism market system in general concept~
5.2 Special features of the tourism market system
5.3 Tourism Market System Mixing: Seven …P’ Models (product, price, location, promotion, physical environment, process and people).
5.4 Market System Promotion Methods: Communication and Advertising, Public relations, sales promotion and publicity
5.5 Market Segmentation in Tourism
5.6 Distribution channels of tourism products
6. Tourism in Nepal (8 Working Hours )
6.1 Emergence and development of tourism in Nepal
6.2 Nepal’s tourism infrastructure and tourism products
6.3 Nepal’s major tourist activities: Mountaineering, Trekking, boating, rock climbing, cultural tourism, Rural tourism, homestay tourism, urban tourism, Jungle Safari
6.4 Nepal’s World Heritage Sites, National Parks, Wildlife Reserve and Conservation Centre.
7. The impact of tourism (11 Working Hours )
7.1 Economic Impact
7.2 Socio-Cultural Influence
7.3 Environmental Impact
7.4 Sustainable Tourism Development Methodology, Concepts and Principles
7.5 Concept of Responsible Tourism
Part 2 : Mountaineering Tourism
8. Introduction to Adventure Tourism (4 Working Hours )
8.1 Definition of adventure tourism
8.2 Basic features and importance of adventure tourism
8.3 Classification of Adventure Tourism – based on mountains, River-based, sea-based, nature-based, snow based, sky based Adventure tourism
8.4 Adventure tourism types and activities: Rigorous Courage and soft courage
9. Introduction of Mountaineering Tourism (4 Working Hours )
9.1 Definition of mountains and their characteristics: Geographical fragmentation, diversity in climate, biodiversity, habitat and flora, ethnic diversity
9.2 Interrelationship between mountains and tourism
9.3 History of mountaineering in the world
9.4 Major mountains of the world
9.5 Motivation for mountain climbing
9.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mountaineering Tourism
10. Mountaineering in Nepal (12 Working Hours )
10.1 Himalayas of Nepal and higher than 8000m mountains
10.2 Natural and cultural aspects of Himalayan region of Nepal resources
10.3 History of Mountaineering and Trekking in Nepal
10.4 Mountain tourism activities of Nepal
10.5 Mountaineering Expedition Rules, 2059 et seq In Nepal as mentioned in the amendments General rules of mountaineering
10.6 Nepal Mountaineering Association (॥1//): Its role function
10.7 Health problems in mountain climbing areas
10.7 Himalayan Rescue Association (12): Its role and work
11. Mountaineering Fundamentals (4 Working Hours )
11.1 Introduction to Mountaineering Expeditions and Climbing equipment
11.2 Climbing Procedures and Fees in Nepal
11.3 Mountains open for mountaineering in Nepal