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Title | Hotel Management I |
Course code | Hom. 439 |
Nature of course | Theory + Lab |
Full marks | 75 + 25 |
Pass marks | 27 + 13 |
Credit Hrs | 5 hrs |
Elective/Compulsory | Elective |
Secondary Education Curriculum
Hotel Management I
Working hrs: 120
1. Introduction
There is tremendous growth in the hotel industry in recent times, and people are also spending more money on leisure than ever before, making this sector of the industry one of the largest industries of the world. The hotel industry deals with all types of guest accommodation. The main purpose of hotels is to provide guest travelers with food, drinks, services, and shelter whilst they are away from home. To fulfill this purpose hotel industry need educated and trained individuals who can deliver first-class services.
This curriculum on hotel management equips the student with the skills and knowledge that are required for the hotel industry. The course summarizes the hospitality industry and familiarizes the students with specific reference to hotel operations. The course also helps spark the students to operate small scale operation and for further studies of hospitality management and more. The course will impart the student not only the basic knowledge and skills in the various aspects of hotel operations, but also inculcate them service culture, self-discipline, teamwork, problem-solving, communication and presentation skills.
This curriculum comprises of an Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism, Hotel, Hotel Management and Organization, Front Office Department, Housekeeping Department, Food Production Department (Kitchen), Food and Beverage (F&B) Service Department, Introduction to Event, Food science and Nutrition. The course itself is of practical nature and the pedagogical approaches in delivering the course should consider the balance between theory and practice. The same applies in case of student evaluation procedure too. The curriculum has been divided to different sections: level-wise competences, grade-wise learning outcomes, scope and sequence of contents with their elaboration, some indication to learning facilitation process and student assessment to ensure the attainment of learning in the subject.
2. Level-wise competencies
By the end of grade 12, the students will have the following competencies:
- Explore possible career paths in the hospitality industry
- Perform entry level jobs in hotel and catering establishments
- Enable to operate and work on small-scale accommodation and catering establishments
- Develop and proper use the forms and formats used in hotel industry
- Demonstrate basic food and beverage service etiquettes
- Apply basic principles of cookery in practical field
- Operate the guest cycle procedure in hotel perfectly.
Scope and Sequence of Contents
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Operational Division of a Hotel Industry
1.1.2 The Main Features of Hotel Industry
1.2 Historical Development of Hotel & Catering Industry in Nepal
1.2.1 The Primitive Era
1.2.2 After the Period of Rana Regime (1950 A.D.)
1.2.3 After The Period of Monarchical Regime (2006 A.D)
1.3 Classification of Hotel
1.3.1 Location
1.3.2 Size
1.3.3 Star Rating/Criteria
1.3.4 Ownership and Affiliation
1.4 Catering Industry and Its Classification
1.4.1 Commercial Catering (Primary Establishment)
1.4.2 Economical Catering (Secondary Establishment)
1.4.3 Welfare Catering (Secondary Establishment)
1.4.4 Voluntary Catering (Secondary Establishment)
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Organizational Concept of Hotel Management
2.1.2 Hotel Organization Chart
2.1.3 Importance of Organization Chart
2.2 Coordinating Departments of Hotel
2.2.1 Front Office Department
2.2.2 Housekeeping Department
2.2.3 Food & Beverage Department
2.2.4 Purchase and Store
2.2.5 Human Resource Department and Personnel
2.2.6 Sales and Marketing
2.2.7 Account Department
2.2.8 Engineering Department
2.2.9 Security Department
3.1 Hospitality
3.1.1 Hospitality Industry
3.1.2 Hospitality and Service
3.2 Tourism
3.2.1 Tour
3.2.2 Meaning and Concept of Tourist
3.2.3 Characteristic of Tourism
3.3 Types of Tourism/Tourist
3.3.1 Recreational Tourism
3.3.2 Adventure Tourism
3.3.3 Business Tourism
3.3.4 Religious Tourism
3.3.5 Sports Tourism
3.3.6 Historical Tourism
3.3.7 Environment/Eco-tourism
3.3.8 Cultural Tourism
3.3.9 Ethnic Tourism
3.3.10 Educational Tourism
3.4 History of Modern Tourism
3.4.1 The History of First Phase
3.4.2 The History of Second Phase
3.4.3 The History of Third Phase
3.5 Growth and Development of Tourism in Nepal
3.5.1 Tourism Development of Contemporary Nepal
3.5.2 Development of Tourism in Nepal after 1950 A.D.
3.5 Basic Components of Tourism
3.5.1 Attraction
3.5.2 Accessibility
3.5.3 Accommodation and Catering
3.5.4 Amenities/ Facilities
3.6 Impact of Tourism
3.6.1 Impacts on Social/Cultural Aspect
3.6.2 Impacts on Economical Aspect
3.6.3 Impacts on Environmental/ Ecological Aspect
4.1 Front Office
4.1.1 Primary Function of Front Office Department
4.2 Job Description of Front Office Personnel
4.2.1 Front Office Manager
4.2.2 Asst. Front Office Manager
4.2.3 Front Office Supervisor
4.2.4 Information Assistant
4.2.5 Reservation Assistant
4.2.6 Registration (Receptionist)
4.2.7 Front Office Cashier
4.3 Attributes of Front Office Personnel
4.4 Sections within Front Office Operation
4.4.1 Lobby
4.4.2 Uniform Service and Bell Desk
4.4.3 Reservation
4.4.4 Registration / Reception
4.4.5 Information
4.4.6 Front Office Cashier
4.4.7 Telephone Operator/ Exchange
4.4.8 Business Centre
4.5 Job Description of Uniformed Service Personnel
4.5.1 Lobby Manager
4.5.2 Bell Captain
4.5.3 Bell Boy/ Bell Attendant
4.5.4 Door Attendant
4.6 Types of Room
4.6.1 On The Basis of Size and Number of Beds
4.6.2 On The Basis of Design, Shape/Size of Room
4.6.3 On The Basis of Location/Venue
4.6.4 On The Basis of Facilities and Supplies
4.6.5 On The Bases Of Service Offered
4.6.6 On The Basis of Decor/Furnishing (Theme)
4.6.7 Types of Room Plan Offered by Hotel
4.6.8 Room Plan Meal Coupon
4.6.9 Room Symbols
4.7 Tariff
4.7.1 Types of Hotel Tariff
4.7.2 Room Rate
4.7.3 Types of Room Rate in Hotel Tariff
4.7.4 Basis of Charging and Fixing the Room Rate
4.7.5 Etiquettes on Telephone
4.8 Reservation
4.8.1 Purpose of Reservation (Objectives)
4.8.2 Type of Reservation
4.8.3 Sources of Reservation
4.8.4 Mode of Reservation
4.8.5 Reservation Process and Procedure
4.8.6 Advance Reservation Chart
4.9 Factors Affecting Reservation
4.9.1 Confirmation of Reservation
4.9.2 Cancellation of Reservation
4.9.3 Walk-in
4.9.4 Overbooking
4.9.5 No-show
4.9.6 Out Of Order (OOO)
4.9.7 Length of Stay
4.9.8 Force Majeure
4.10 Sundry Service
4.10.1 Mail
4.10.2 Message
4.10.3 Left Luggage
4.10.4 Errand card
4.10.5 Paging
4.11 Handling Guest Complaints
4.12 Coordinating Departments of Front Office
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Function of Housekeeping Department
5.2 Layout of Housekeeping Sections and Their Function
5.2.1 Housekeeper’s Office
5.2.2 Housekeeping Control Desk
5.2.3 Linen room/ store
5.2.4 Uniform Room/Store
5.2.5 Floor Pantries
5.2.6 Tailor/ Seamstress
5.2.7 Flower Room
5.2.8 Upholstery and Furniture Yard
5.2.9 Housekeeping supplies store
5.2.10 Horticulture
5.3 Housekeeping Organization and Staffing Patterns
5.3.1 Executive Housekeeper
5.3.2 Asst. Executive Housekeeper/ Deputy Housekeeper
5.3.3 Housekeeping Control Desk Supervisor
5.3.4 Linen Room Supervisor
5.3.5 Uniform Room Supervisor
5.3.6 Floor Supervisor
5.3.7 Public Area Supervisor
5.3.8 Room Attendants (Room Maid/Boy)
5.4 Personal Qualities of Housekeeping Staff
5.5 Room
5.5.1 Contents and Supplies of Guest Bedroom
5.5.2 Content and Supplies of Guest Bathroom
5.5.3 Room Symbols/Codes and Meaning
5.6 Maid’s Cart and Preparation
5.6.1 Preparation of Cart
5.6.2 Stacking of Maid’s Cart
5.7 Housekeeping Linen
5.7.1 Bedroom Linen
5.7.2 Bathroom linen
5.7.3 Food & Beverage Service Linen
5.7.4 Upholstery & Special Furnishing Fabrics
5.7.5 Inventory Control of Linen
5.7.6 Storage of Linen and Uniform
5.7.7 Issue and Exchange of Linen and Uniform
5.7.8 Par Stock
5.8 Key System
5.8.1 Manual/Mechanical Key System
5.8.2 Electronic / Magnetic key System
5.8.3 Control of Room Key
5.9 Forms/Formats used in H/K Department
5.9.1 Master Occupancy Report (Housekeeping Room Report)
5.9.2 Room Check List
5.9.3 Maintenance Order Slip
5.9.4 Lost and Found Slip
5.9.5 Gate Pass
5.9.6 Log Book
5.10 Handling Situations
5.10.1 Lost and found process
5.10.2 Sick Guest
5.10.3 Death Guest
5.11 Coordinating Department of Housekeeping
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Kitchen
6.1.2 Types of Kitchen
6.2 Kitchen Organization
6.2.1 Chef De Cuisine / Executive Head Chef
6.2.2 Executive Sous Chef
6.2.3 Sous Chef
6.2.4 Chef De Partie (CDP) and Demi-Chef de Partie
6.2.5 Commis De Cuisine
6.2.6 Apprentice/Aides De Cuisine
6.3 Kitchen Layout and Sections
6.3.1 Receiving Area
6.3.2 Storage Area
6.3.3 Food Preparation Area
6.3.4 Cooking Area
6.3.5 Service Area
6.3.6 Cleaning and Washing Area
6.4 Kitchen Equipment
6.4.1 Large Equipment
6.4.2 Small Equipment /Utensils
6.4.3 Cutting Tools/ Kitchen Knives
6.5 Kitchen Safety and Hygiene
6.5.1 Safety Rules in Kitchen
6.5.2 Personal Hygiene
6.5.3 Kitchen Hygiene
6.6 Food Commodities
6.6.1 Vegetable (le legume)
6.6.2 Fruits (le frits)
6.6.3 Nuts (le noix)
6.6.4 Cereals (Cereale)
6.6.5 Flour (Fecule)
6.6.6 Milk (le lait)
6.6.7 Poultry (le Volaille)
6.6.8 Egg (le Oeuf)
6.6.9 Meat (le Viande)
6.6.10 Fish (le Poisson)
6.6.11 Shell Fish
6.6.11 Raising Agents
6.6.12 Oil and Fat
6.6.13 Herbs (le herb)
6.6.14 Spices (Le epice)
6.7 Coordinating Department of Kitchen
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Job Description of F & B Service Personnel
7.2.1 Food and Beverage Manager
7.2.2 Restaurant Manager/Outlet Manager
7.2.3 Senior Captain / Maître d’ hotel/Supervisor
7.2.4 Head Waiter / Captain / Chef de-Rang
7.2.5 Waiter/Steward/Commis de-Rang
7.2.6 Assistant Waiter/Bus Boy
7.3 Job Responsibilities of other Outlet Personnel
7.3.1 Beverage Manager/Bar Manager
7.3.2 Bar Supervisor/Senior Captain-Bar
7.3.3 Barman/Barmaid/Bar Tender/Sommelier
7.3.4 Room Service Manager
7.3.5 Banquet Manager
7.3.6 Banquet Supervisor/Senior Captain and Captain
7.3.7 Restaurant Cashier or Outlet Cashier
7.4 Outlets of Food and Beverage Department
7.4.1 Restaurant
7.4.2 Bar
7.4.3 Room Service
7.4.4 Banquet
7.5 Food and Beverage Service Equipment
7.5.1 Tableware
7.5.2 Restaurant Linen
7.5.3 Restaurant Furniture
7.6 Hospitality Knowledge, Skill and Attitude
7.6.1 Knowledge
7.6.2 Skill
7.6.3 Attributes of F & B Service Personnel
7.7 Coordinating Department of F & B Service