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TitleBusiness Studies I
Course codeBus. 215
Nature of courseTheory + Lab
Full marks75 + 25
Pass marks27 + 13
Credit Hrs5 hrs

Secondary Education Curriculum
Business Studies I

Working hrs: 120

1. Introduction

Business Studies is a broad subject in the social sciences, allowing the in-depth study of a range of specialties such as accountancy, finance, organisation, human resource management and marketing. To serve the same, the curriculum of this subject for Grades 11 and 12 has been prepared in line with the National Curriculum Framework-2076 to prepare the students for job market and for higher studies.

The main thrust of the course is to provide knowledge and skills to the students about management and its functions related to business. Establishing a proper linkage with the fundamental orientation of the attributes of Business Studies, this course also aims to impart in-depth knowledge so as to equip the students with workable tools and techniques of the management that ensures growth, success and sustainability of the business. Besides, the course aims to impart adequate knowledge and skills in drafting business letters. The curriculum also addresses some emerging issues of management. The value addition of this course is to prepare and enable the students in formulating business plans. The content of the business studies of Grade 11 and 12, thus, is a blend of theory and practice of different aspects of business management.

The curriculum includes the level-wise competencies, grade-wise learning outcomes, scope and sequence of contents along with the working hours, learning facilitation process, some suggested project activities and student assessment process.

2. Level-wise competencies

By the end of the grade 12, the students will have the following competencies.

  1. Explain the foundational knowledge of business, including principles and practices of business management.
  2. Identify the ground realities on the operational aspects of business.
  3. Describe key functional areas of business management.
  4. Identify key management fuunctions of a bussiness organisation.
  5. Demonstrate necessary skills to carry out business and office operations independently.
  6. Develop creative behavior to implement noble ideas on bussiness.
  7. Draft business letters.
  8. Prepare a business plan.

Scope and Sequence of Contents

1. Introduction to Business (10 Working hours )

1.1 Business: an important human activity
1.2 Dimensions of business: service and commerce
1.3 Objectives of business
1.4 Functions of business
1.5 Business environment: meaning and components

2. Business Idea (8 Working hours )

2.1 Introduction to creativity and innovation
2.2 Basics of creative behaviour
2.3 Sources of business ideas: existing product, government policies, research and development, business actors network (buyers, suppliers, channel members and consultants)

3. Resource Mobilization (15 Working hours )

3.1 Major resources: financial, physical, human and informational
3.2 Financial resources: equity and debt capital, fixed and working capital, venture capital, mutual fund
3.3 Physical resources (land and building, machinery and parts, furniture and fixtures)
3.4 Human resources (recruitment, selection and retention)
3.5 Informational resources (intranet, extranet and internet)

4. Forms of Business Ownership (48 Working hours )

4.1 Introduction to common forms of business organizations
4.2 Forms of business ownership
a) Sole Trading Concern
 Introduction to sole trading concern
 Feartures of sole trading concern
 Reasons for starting sole trading concern
 Procedure of registration and renewals of sole trading concern in Nepal
b) Partnership Firm
 Introduction to partnership firm
 Features of partnership firm
 Difference between sole trading concern and partnership firm
 Reasons for starting partnership business
 Challenges of partnership business
 Partnership deed and its contents
 Right and duties of partners
 Procedure of registration and renewal of partnership form in Nepal
 Modes of dissolution of partnership form in Nepal
c) Company
 Introduction to public and private company
 of company business
 Features of company business
 Reasons for starting company business Challenges to company business
 Registration process of a company in Nepal
 Main documents of company in Nepal: memorandum of association, articles of association, prospectus, certificate of incorporation, certificate of commencement
 Company meetings
 Procedure of winding-up of a company
d) Co-operatives
 Introduction to co-operative organizations in Nepal
 Features of co-operative organizations
 Common forms of co-operative organizations
 Procedure of registration and renewal of cooperatives in Nepal
 Role of co-operatives in economic development of Nepal
e) Other Forms of Ownership
 Public enterprises: concept, features and roles
 Multinational company: concept, features and roles
4.3 Factors influncing the choice of the form

5. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (9 Working hours )

5.1 Introduction to business ethics
5.2 Ethical principles for business
5.3 Introduction to social responsibility of business
5.4 Areas of social responsibility

6. Risk and Insurance (10 Working hours )

6.1 Introduction to business risk
6.2 Role of insurance in business
6.3 General principles of insurance
6.4 Different types of insurance
6.5 Essentials of insurance contract

7. Taxation (8 Working hours )

7.1 Introduction to tax in business
7.2 Types of tax: direct tax & indirect tax
7.3 PAN: concept, registration process in Nepal

8. Office Management (12 Working hours )

8.1 Office: meaning, functions and importance
8.2 Information management: meaning and
8.1 Office: meaning, functions and importance
8.2 Information management: meaning and importance
8.3 Principles of information management
8.4 Role of computer applications in record management
8.5 Filing: meaning, purpose, types, management of electronic file
8.6 Indexing: meaning, purpose, types, management of electronic index


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